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Facebook Events

This Event List shows:

Concerts, Shows, Plays, SPECIAL and 'Regularly Occurring' Events


Coal Aston Live Events  are hosted by Scuppered 


Events may offer a Licensed bar 

"Bring Your Own Drinks" - Not Both

This Event List shows:

approximately 30 events.


Click on any Event to go to its Facebook Entry


If you want to check on events further ahead than those shown here then stay on Facebook and search there.


Any queries or corrections please contact the Event Organiser.


Eckington Road

Derbyshire, S18 3AX

Room Hire Only



Concert Tickets

01246-410611 / 411526


© 2023 

by CAVH. 

Coal Aston Village Hall cio is the charity responsible for the maintenance of the village hall and the services it provides as a community asset.  Our mission is to offer a well maintained, welcoming and disability-friendly space for use by  different types of groups and activities as well as all types of family celebration. 

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